One Day Seminar on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood
Speakers: Christian Andresen (President of European Bible Training Center, Berlin) and Sheryl Andresen.
Date: Saturday 16th February 2019
2 sessions for the men (Christian)
2 sessions for the women (Sheryl)
+ Questions & Answers session together
Seminar begins at 10:00 and ends at 17:00
9:30-10:00 Arrival and coffee (name tags and gift given)
10:00 Start of first general session (Christian, both for men and women)
10:45 Short break
11:00 First session for men (Christian)
12:00 Lunch together at church
13:00 Second session for men (Christian)
13:45 Short break (opportunity for men and children go out for walk during ladies’ sessions)
14:00 First session for women (Sheryl)
14:45 Short break
15:00 Second session for women (Sheryl)
15:45 Short break
16:00 Q&A session together (Christian & Sheryl)
17:00 End of seminar
Please register, if you have not already:
The seminar cost is 10€ (price includes lunch, refreshments, and a gift) and can be paid in cash at the event.
Why registration? Because space is limited. Also, that we can make sure there is enough food for all participants, and that seminar name tags and gifts are prepared for all registered attendees.